Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lemon Cilantro Avocado Pasta Salad... and Pierogis

So tonight is Steve's big birthday, which we mostly celebrated on our trip last weekend, but he still requested his annual cake for tonight (chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, topped with some vanilla ice cream). Dinner itself was sort of secondary, especially since he's on call this week and there's always the chance he'll be called in and miss dinner altogether. So I definitely didn't plan anything fancy.

A few months ago, he bought a couple boxes of frozen potato and cheese pierogis, totally forgetting I can't eat them anymore since the sodium content is ridiculous. I wish I could, they are so good. The last few times I made them (pre- ear issues), the kids were losing their love for them too, just being finicky. So I was in no hurry this time to make them, but figured tonight was the perfect time to use up those boxes. Since I can't chow down on them, I tried a new recipe for myself, which also will make great lunches for the next few days: Lemon Cilantro Avocado Pasta Salad.

It was delicious! Even better than I anticipated! Very summer-y and one I will make again.

(That's the one pierogi I let myself partake in. Better 1 than 10!)

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