Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Blintzes, balsamic brussels sprouts, and Grammy applesauce

Another busy evening with the husband at a late meeting, another quick dinner. Blintzes -- frozen, from a box -- have been a staple for us since Boston (it was a long seven years in Iowa where I couldn't find them in stores!). They are super quick and saute up in minutes. This is another example of something Owen doesn't love but will eat, very grudgingly. I used to buy the blueberry kind for just him but he realized those are kinda syrupy and gross and lives with our cheese kind now instead.

This brussels sprouts recipe is new to me, and I think this is my first time making brussels sprouts ever! We hosted a potluck a few weeks ago and a friend brought some that were like candy, they tasted so good. I still need to get her recipe. I've been inspired ever since. I basically followed this recipe but used my own seasoning blends instead of the salt. The kids had to try them... they chose steamed peas as an alternative after their taste.

Grammy applesauce isn't so much a "recipe" as it is a jar of unsweetened applesauce mixed with a container of thawed berries-in-syrup and some sliced bananas. The kids always love this (hold the bananas for Gigi).

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