Monday, March 17, 2014

Not-Corned Beef Brisket

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I used to love to get those corned beef briskets that come with a spice packet, which you could slow cook all day and were so delicious. I can't eat those anymore because the sodium content is sky high... so this year for St. P's Day I tried a not-salty imitation.

I got a beef brisket from the grocery store. NOT a corned one -- I read up, and apparently you can't avoid the salt and still have it corned... that's part of the brining process. But a few months ago, I found a salt-free corned beef spice combo at Penzey's and today seemed like the perfect day to try it out. I poured a dark beer in the crock pot along with some water, mixed in the spices, then squashed the brisket in -- it was a fairly large cut (over 5 lbs!) but that was the smallest they had at the store. I sliced some onions and laid them on top, then I cooked it on high for a few hours before turning it down to low.

I will note that the spice container does say to use the spices "along with a salt brine". I skipped that.

Survey says... It was ok. Spice flavor was good but not like "real" corned beef. Not as tender either. Both big kids ate it; Gigi compared it to tenderloin (?) and said it was ok. Owen was not a fan but ate it so he could have a St Patty's Day cookie. Camden is on an eating strike and just had a toddler pouch. Steve is working late, we will see what he thinks later.

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