Saturday, March 15, 2014


Today I made a regular staple for the Newton house... Chili. Everyone eats it. Even Mr. Camden, though we crush up a bunch of saltines in his to make it more mortar-like and it sticks to his spoon more easily. Even Owen eats it! It freezes really well in individual servings, too.

There isn't really a recipe per se but I'll write out what I usually do. You can let it simmer all day in the crockpot or cook for 45 min on the stovetop in the evening.

1. Sauté 1/2 of a large onion (chopped) and 5-6 cloves of garlic (minced) in some olive oil.

2. Add in 1.5-2 lbs ground meat -- turkey, beef, or a combo of both. Chop it up and brown it.

3. While that's browning, throw the following into the crockpot or stockpot:
-2-3 cans tomato sauce (no salt added)
-2 cans diced tomatoes (no salt)
-3 cans beans (no salt). Today I used black beans, chili beans in sauce, and kidney beans
-1/3 bag frozen corn 
-2-3 T. "homemade" low sodium chili seasoning (I just omit the salt... I could also use my fake salt I guess)

4. Add the meat/onions to the pot and stir it all up! Cook, stirring occasionally. Serve with sour cream, shredded cheese, and crackers.

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