Monday, June 30, 2014

Summertime Tilapia

Rather than stick with my tried and true tilapia recipe tonight, I decided to try a new one, Summertime Tilapia. Mainly because I didn't realize I was out of parmesan cheese until the last minute.

Tonight's tilapia had a very different flavor. I thought it was due to the tequila (which I did use, this optional ingredient) but I think the red wine vinegar was actually the culprit. If I make it again, I think I'd try balsamic. Per reviewers' suggestion, I also did blend the marinade in the food processor to get a uniform texture -- I definitely recommend that.

Overall it wasn't bad. Steve and I both thought it was ok. Nothing to write home about but definitely a nice change. (the kids had no complaints about their fish sticks....)

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