This No Carb Pizza was a real surprise:
So that isn't my picture, by the way. We were all pretty hungry at dinner and I forgot to take a pic until it was already all gone. This pic is from the blog the recipe came from. Mine looked pretty much like the above, but pepperoni on only 1/3 of it for Steve, and imagine green peppers and tomato slices on the middle third.
We used to eat pizza all the time, now it's much less frequent, since Steve won't eat it since he's all Atkinsy and I can't eat it due to all the salt and my ear issues. And a no-carb pizza? That can't possibly be good, right? I had super low expectations and figured it would be an interesting experiment, if it was really bad we'd order in and/or pull something from the freezer for dinner.
But it was GOOD! Not exactly an authentic pizza experience but definitely a really spectacular substitute. I didn't have any homemade (lo so) sauce in the freezer so I used the jarred kind I use for a quick pasta meal for myself. I pepped it up with some extra italian seasonings too.
The pizza is hard to eat in traditional slice form... it's pretty floppy but the flavors aren't far off regular pizza. Just less bready. Definitely will be making it again, and probably being put into a regular rotation!
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