Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Peach glazed chicken kabobs

Over the summer, we all enjoyed Peach Glazed Chicken Kabobs.

Turns out, I never took a picture any of the times I made them, BUT I snapped this pic of one of the ingredients:

I totally took some shortcuts with this recipe and bought already-kabobbed chicken/pepper/onion skewers. Then I cut up fresh peaches and threaded them onto their own kabobs. All got the glaze on the grill, but this way I could start the chicken ones first and not burn the peaches.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Crispy Oven-Fried Cod

Resurrecting the blog so I have a few recent recipes stored in one place for future use...

Last night we tried Crispy Oven-Fried Cod:

This went over much, much better than previous attempts at "homemade fish & chips". I even bought my first cast iron skillet for the occasion... something I plan to use quite often moving forward for lots of other recipes! All 5 Newtons liked this one; adding to the rotation.