Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Grab & Go Egg White Bites

I've been getting pretty tired lately of my usual quick weekday breakfasts: toast or cereal or a yogurt. The kids, on the other hand, never get tired of their tried-and-trues (oatmeal or microwave scrambled eggs for Camden; bagels or waffles or cinnamon toast for the big kids). I decided on a whim to try something new, something that was quick to make initally and gives me a week of grab-and-heat breakfasts, Egg white bites:

I pretty much followed the recipe as written, though I used regular muffin tins (not mini) so it's a better portion. Also, I added a bit of shredded cheese, because who doesn't like that. I even bought the egg-whites-in-a-carton product which I found highly gross in theory but worked great, saved time on separating eggs, etc. Less wasteful.

And just to take it over the top, when I ate them today, I topped them with a bit of sour cream and avocado that I had leftover from last night's taco dinner. YUM.

(Disclaimer: no, my kids don't eat this. But I do!)

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