Sunday, August 10, 2014

Alton Brown's Spicy Beef Kababs

After almost three years of no working grill, we finally got our new BBQ working in our new backyard. Brace yourselves for lots of BBQ recipes -- I have three years of grilling to make up for.

Our inaugural meal was burgers, which is seriously boring and nothing exciting to report on the blog.

But last night we tried Alton Brown's Spicy Beef Kababs. Unfortunately I was so excited to eat them, I forgot to take a picture, so I'll have to borrow Alton's. I'm sure he won't mind:

The main thing I did different was I doubled the marinade recipe and also made a whole bunch of skewers of just veggies: zucchini, bell peppers, and mushrooms. I also marinaded the veggies along with the meat prior to grilling.

It was fabulous! Two thumbs up! Owen's off at camp and wasn't here to eat/review, but Steve, Gigi, and I all loved them (Gigi liked the meat portion in particular).

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